Everything You Need to Know for Your First Pure Barre Class

We get it, trying something new can be intimidating! You feel like the odd one out, and everyone else is already in the zone. Walking into a new fitness environment can throw the most confident person into a puddle of insecurity and doubt, which is exactly why we're sharing this post. 

Contrary to popular belief, no one knows how to do Pure Barre before they start taking Pure Barre classes. Our technique is different than any other barre workout on the market, and no dance experience is required. We don't differentiate our classes into different levels of beginner, intermediate, or advanced, but we do have 3 different class offerings.

Pure Barre Classic is our traditional format, and it comprises 80% of our overall schedule. Build long, lean muscle, work to fatigue, and protect your body while doing it.

Pure Empower is our cardio-based class, and this heart-pumping, intense class is sure to complement your normal routine and spice up your weekly workouts!

Pure Reform is our newest offering, and it utilizes different equipment and focuses on our most resistance-based burn. You definitely want to try this class to experience how strong your muscles really are!

Our teachers are trained to accommodate everyone in any class, and they'll design a workout that will challenge the newbies and veterans alike. Our technique will help you build long, lean muscle, sculpt your best body, and torch calories. 

Curious yet? We've put together our top 5 things to know before coming to your first class!

1. Sign Up and Arrive Early

It's always best to be prepared so that you don't feel rushed or confused. We recommend signing up for a class on our website, and arrive about 15 minutes early so that you can meet your teacher, get your equipment, and relax. We have a short waiver for you to fill out, and we always like to show you the ropes of the studio before you take for your first time. 

2. Bring the Right Gear

While we provide all of the equipment needed for class, it's important that you have socks (the sticky kind is preferable, and we sell these), pants or capris to keep your muscles warm, and water. Our dress code may seem a little bit odd if you've never taken a class, but the workout is done on carpet, so for sanitary reasons, it's best to have your feet covered! Additionally, the grips on the socks provide more stability as your legs start to fatigue. Our teachers are big on hands on corrections and adjustment to help you find the right form and get the best workout, so it's important that you're comfortable.  

3. Learn the Lingo

When you arrive early for class, the teacher will tell you about some of the "vocab" words that are unique to Pure Barre. You'll hear the teacher give form and movement cues throughout the class such heavy tailbone, tuck, pulse, bendstretch, and squeeze. All the movements are designed to be small to engage the muscles, rather than use momentum. She will show you what these things mean and how to do them, and it takes a couple of classes to learn the new PB language!

4. Listen to the Beat

Pure Barre is musically driven, but don't worry, most people feel a little bit uncoordinated at first! Because the teacher doesn't do the workout with you (she's too busy hands on correcting and helping), it's so important to listen to her words and the beat of the music. If you lose track or forget what to do, it's no big deal! Just keep moving and jump back in when you can. No one will notice or find it weird - we have new clients in the studio every single day. We are used to working with a variety of ages, fitness levels, and injuries. Remember, everyone is too focused on their own workout to be watching someone else!

5. Be Okay with Being a Beginner

This is the best tip we can give you and the hardest one to put into practice. No one likes to feel out of the loop, but like we said in the beginning of this post, Pure Barre is new to everyone their first time! It will take a couple of classes to feel like you're more aware of the flow of class, but that's part of the fun. Pure Barre is ever-evolving, so it never gets boring, and you never plateau. You will get better and stronger every class, which is why it's best to just dive right in!

Pop Up at Ivywild

On Saturday, January 21, our owner Griffin taught a pop-up class in the Ivywild Gym! It was SO much fun, and we had so many new faces in the class. We uploaded more pictures to our Facebook page, but check out this awesome shot, and stay tuned for more cool community events! If you missed the class, remember that you can come visit us in the studio for a true Pure Barre experience any time!

Battling Workout Boredom

Whether you're a new client or a seasoned athlete, you've probably experienced workout boredom. You know what I'm talking about, that moment when it feels like you have to drag yourself out of bed to make it to your run/class/gym date. We all have tired days and experience burnout, but the biggest source of exercise boredom is because of the plateau. You get better, you get stronger, and you stop being challenged. 

At Pure Barre, plateau is impossible. That's right, impossible! And here's why:

1. Pure Barre is about working against your own resistance. Instead of using heavy weights and resistance equipment, our technique focuses on creating resistance in your own body. That means that you can go at your own pace, and as you get stronger, the movement becomes more difficult because you have created more resistance to work against.

2. Pure Barre is always changing. Our innovative technique is constantly evolving to remain the leader in the barre industry. You will never experience the same class twice, and just when you think you've mastered a move, we'll throw something new at you!

3. Pure Barre's environment is unbeatable. Between our friendly staff, motivating music, and judgement-free clientele, you will always feel refreshed after a visit to the barre. Lose yourself in the music and take 55 minutes to commit to your health today.

Don't believe us? Check out a testimony from Pure Barre Training Specialist, Danielle Cote, here.  

We'll see you at the barre!